Padaabhyangam consists of warm healthy oils to which herbs are added depending on a person’s dosha and the ailment in question. These oils, made with healing herbs, are absorbed into the skin and into the tissues of the body. The massage itself is very light, specific techniques – stroking and applying pressure to marma points – are certain areas on the sole of the feet relating to the nerves that are supposed to be awakened and free energy flow.
But as the therapist uses pressure, one realizes that blood flow is promoted so that nutrients get to the area as toxins are removed. It has been realized that 30minutes is just enough a session which is good enough for relaxation but does not take a lot of time. The benefits of Padaabhyangam foot massage are that it opens up, balances and heals the energies of both the body and the mind, which makes it very beneficial for including in any daily/self-care practice.